Nasic student apartments ・ Apartments with meals included ・ Student hall ・Student accommodations rental search site

This website provides information on rental housing managed by our company and our partners. This is not a school dormitory directly operated by the school. Also, this is not an advertisement for recruitment of tenants. Please contact us for the latest information.

This website provides information on rental housing managed by our company and our partners. This is not a school dormitory directly operated by the school. Also, this is not an advertisement for recruitment of tenants. Please contact us for the latest information.

Kyoto Pastry & Bakery Art College Student apartment list

110 Property found

  • Vittoria

    - Vittoria -

    Property code4260

    Reference materials

    60,000-63,500 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    70,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    26 Tanakahigashihinokuchicho, Kyoto-shi Sakyo-ku, Kyoto

    6-minute walk from Mototanaka Station of Eizan Electric Railway

    March 2005 (2020 exterior renewal)/Reinforced Concrete Construction3stories

  • Silkpia Gosho

    - シルクピア五匠 -

    Property code4450

    Reference materials

    60,000-66,000 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    70,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    123-1 Kamiogawacho, Ogawadori Kamitachiurisagaru, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

    8-minute walk from Imadegawa Station on the Kyoto Municipal Subway Karasuma Line

    January 2011/Reinforced Concrete Construction4stories

  • La premiere Karasumagojo

    - ラ プルミエール烏丸五条 -

    Property code4455

    Reference materials

    60,500-67,500 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    70,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    Key money fee (reikin)


    237 Odawaracho, Kyoto-shi Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto

    4-minute walk from Gojo Station on the Kyoto Municipal Subway Karasuma Line

    12-minute walk from Kiyomizu-Gojo Station on the Keihan Main Line

    March 2011/Reinforced Concrete Construction5stories

  • BAUS CROSS Ryoan-ji

    - バウスクロス龍安寺 -

    Property code4576

    Reference materials

    61,500-65,500 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    70,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    10-2 Taniguchiumezumacho, Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku, Kyoto

    2-minute walk from Ryoanji Station on the Keifuku Kitano Line

    May 1998 (Interior renewal in February 2018)/Reinforced Concrete Construction3stories

  • Annex Nishinotoin

    - アネックス西洞院 -

    Property code4350

    Reference materials

    63,500-71,000 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    70,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    Key money fee (reikin)

    60,000 yen/at the time of contract

    801-1 Takatsuji Nishinotoincho, Nishinotoindori Takatsujisagaru, Kyoto-shi Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto

    7-minute walk from Shijo Station on the Kyoto Municipal Subway Karasuma Line

    March 2007/Reinforced Concrete Construction8stories

  • Flats Muromachi

    - フラッツ室町 -

    Property code4400

    Reference materials

    64,000-69,500 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    70,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    Key money fee (reikin)


    257 Muromachi Kashiracho, Muromachidori Kamidachiuri-agaru, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

    6-minute walk from Imadegawa Station on the Kyoto Municipal Subway Karasuma Line

    7-minute walk from Kuramaguchi Station on the Kyoto Municipal Subway Karasuma Line

    March 2009/Reinforced Concrete Construction3stories

  • Hercules Kitashirakawa

    - ヘラクレス北白川 -

    Property code4483

    Reference materials

    65,000-70,000 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    70,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    Key money fee (reikin)

    100,000 yen/at the time of contract

    35-1 Tanakahigashitakaharacho, Kyoto-shi Sakyo-ku, Kyoto

    6-minute walk from Chayama-Kyoto-Geijutsudaigaku Station of Eizan Electric Railway

    March 2013/Reinforced Concrete Construction5stories

  • Moren

    - モーレン -

    Property code4504

    Reference materials

    63,000-67,000 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    70,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    Key money fee (reikin)


    18-34 Matsugasakikinomotocho, Kyoto-shi Sakyo-ku, Kyoto

    4-minute walk from Matsugasaki Station on the Kyoto Municipal Subway Karasuma Line

    March 2014/Reinforced Concrete Construction2stories

  • Beetle Kitashirakawa

    - ビートル北白川 -

    Property code4505

    Reference materials

    63,000-72,000 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    70,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    Key money fee (reikin)

    100,000 yen/at the time of contract

    35-3 Tanakahigashitakaharacho, Kyoto-shi Sakyo-ku, Kyoto

    6-minute walk from Chayama-Kyoto-Geijutsudaigaku Station of Eizan Electric Railway

    January 2014/Reinforced Concrete Construction5stories

  • El sereno Kamogawayoshida

    - エル・セレーノ鴨川吉田 -

    Property code4426

    Reference materials

    69,000-76,000 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    70,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    Key money fee (reikin)


    15-9 Yoshidakamiadachicho, Kyoto-shi Sakyo-ku, Kyoto

    8-minute walk from Demachiyanagi Station on the Keihan Oto Line

    March 2010/Reinforced Concrete Construction4stories


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    Contact for international student rental properties:NATIONAL STUDENTS INFORMATION CENTER CO., LTD.

    October - March: Open everyday / April - September: Closed Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays

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