Nasic student apartments ・ Apartments with meals included ・ Student hall ・Student accommodations rental search site

This website provides information on rental housing managed by our company and our partners. This is not a school dormitory directly operated by the school. Also, this is not an advertisement for recruitment of tenants. Please contact us for the latest information.

This website provides information on rental housing managed by our company and our partners. This is not a school dormitory directly operated by the school. Also, this is not an advertisement for recruitment of tenants. Please contact us for the latest information.

List of properties in Chiba Prefecture

63 Property found

  • Sakamaki Building

    - 坂巻ビル -

    Property code 2360

    Reference materials

    34,000-35,500 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    2 months' worth of monthly rent/deposit at the time of contract

    Key money fee (reikin)


    125-2 Higashifukai, Nagareyama-shi, Chiba

    8-minute walk from Unga Station on the Tobu Noda Line

    March 1986/steel frame2 stories

  • Isogai Mansion

    - 磯貝マンション -

    Property code 2375

    Reference materials

    52,000-56,500 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    60,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    1-36-3 Maebaranishi, Funabashi-shi, Chiba

    12-minute walk from Tsudanuma Station on the JR Sobu Main Line

    15-minute walk from Shin-Tsudanuma Station on Shin-Keisei Electric Railway

    June 1996/Reinforced Concrete Construction3 floors

  • Arc Narashinodai

    - アーク習志野台 -

    Property code 2378

    Reference materials

    51,000-53,500 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    60,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    Key money fee (reikin)


    6-19-10 Narashinodai, Funabashi-shi, Chiba

    15-minute walk from Funabashi-Nichidaimae Station of Toyo Rapid Railway

    18-minute walk from Kita-Narashino Station on Shin-Keisei Electric Railway

    February 2003/wooden2 stories

  • River West

    - リバーウエスト -

    Property code 2381

    Reference materials

    40,000-56,000 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    60,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    3-4-2 Yakuendai, Funabashi-shi, Chiba

    10-minute walk from Narashino Station of Shin-Keisei Electric Railway

    December 1993/steel frame4 stories

  • Pearl Heights Take

    - パールハイツ・タケ -

    Property code 2382

    Reference materials

    38,000-40,000 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    60,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    Key money fee (reikin)


    1-13-15 Tsuboi Higashi, Funabashi-shi, Chiba

    4-minute walk from Funabashi-Nichidaimae Station of Toyo Rapid Railway

    29-minute walk from Kita-Narashino Station on Shin-Keisei Electric Railway

    March 1988/wooden2 stories

  • Residence Bunbu

    - レジデンス文武 -

    Property code 2383

    Reference materials

    47,000-50,000 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    60,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    Key money fee (reikin)


    8-29-15 Narashinodai, Funabashi-shi, Chiba

    18-minute walk from Funabashi-Nichidaimae Station of Toyo Rapid Railway

    27-minute walk from Narashino Station on Shin-Keisei Electric Railway

    January 1984 (added in April 1994)/steel frame2 stories

  • Scioltezza Keisei

    - ショルテッツァ京成 -

    Property code 2337

    Reference materials

    58,000-70,000 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    60,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    1-12-10 Yatsu, Narashino-shi, Chiba

    6-minute walk from Tsudanuma Station on the JR Chuo/Sobu Local Line

    14-minute walk from Keisei Tsudanuma Station on the Keisei Main Line

    March 2011/Reinforced Concrete Construction5 floors

  • Medic Kitanarashino

    - メディック北習志野 -

    Property code 2340

    Reference materials

    44,000-49,000 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    60,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    2-49-7 Narashinodai, Funabashi-shi, Chiba

    5-minute walk from Kita-Narashino Station of Shin-Keisei Electric Railway

    March 2005/Reinforced Concrete Construction3 floors

  • La Casa Piccola

    - ラ カーサ ピッコラ -

    Property code 2352

    Reference materials

    48,000-54,000 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    60,000 yen/deposit at the time of contract

    1-24-16 Okubo, Narashino-shi, Chiba

    1-minute walk from Keisei Okubo Station on the Keihan Main Line

    December 2009/steel frame4 stories

  • Hospitalite Ichikawamama

    - ホスピタリテ市川真間 -

    Property code 2357

    Reference materials

    43,000-49,000 yen

    Room deposit fee (shikikin)

    Monthly rent for 1 month/Deposit at the time of contract

    3-9-19 Mama, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba

    10-minute walk from Ichikawa Station on the JR Sobu/Chuo Local Line

    5-minute walk from Ichikawamama Station on the Keisei Main Line

    March 2000/steel frame2 stories


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