Nasic student apartments ・ Apartments with meals included ・ Student hall ・Student accommodations rental search site

This website provides information on rental housing managed by our company and our partners. This is not a school dormitory directly operated by the school. Also, this is not an advertisement for recruitment of tenants. Please contact us for the latest information.

This website provides information on rental housing managed by our company and our partners. This is not a school dormitory directly operated by the school. Also, this is not an advertisement for recruitment of tenants. Please contact us for the latest information.

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  • BAUS CROSS Sagamiono

Property code2463

BAUS CROSS Sagamiono

- バウスクロス相模大野 -

Property code2463

BAUS CROSS Sagamiono

- バウスクロス相模大野 -

Mode of Transaction: Brokerage

Information updated: 2023/12/21

Room information

Room panorama/video

View panoramic images

watch video

Shared information

  • Automatic lock
  • Delivery box
  • Building manager
  • Surveillance camera

Auto-lock with monitor/Security camera/Delivery box/Manager day shift

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Exclusive facilities

  • AC unit
  • Separate bath and toilet
  • Indoor space for washing machine
  • Furniture/appliances

Separate B/T room/Air conditioner/Intercom with monitor/Furniture/Home appliances/Indoor washing machine storage

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Detailed information


February 2022


Reinforced Concrete Construction15 stories

Exclusive area


General unit number

Total 98 rooms

Contract period

Standard rental contract: 1 year, renewable only for undergraduate students

Damage insurance

Individual subscription

Guarantor company

Guarantor service is mandatory
For the contract, the use of a guarantor company is mandatory, and a separate fee for the guarantor company's services is required. The fee may vary depending on the specific guarantor company and the type of plan selected, so please contact our office for further details.

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FeesRental term glossary

Reference materials

66,000~77,000 yen/month

Maintenance fee

23,000 yen

Key money fee (reikin)

120,000 yen/at time of contract (1 year contract), 180,000 yen/at time of contract (2 year contract)

Renewal fee

120,000 yen/upon renewal (1 year contract), 180,000 yen/upon renewal (2 year contract)

Room deposit fee (shikikin)

Monthly rent for 1 month/Deposit at the time of contract

Other fees

Key replacement fee: 26,400 yen
Room disinfection fee: 19,250 yen
Nasicnet membership fee: 13,200 yen
Brokerage fee: Equivalent to 1 month's rent x 1.1/at time of contract (tax included)
NASICCLUB24: 21,780 yen/1 year 43,560 yen/2 years

Monthly fees

Meal fee: 25,300 yen/month (tax included)

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*Conditions differ for each room, so please confirm the detailed conditions and fees for each room.


7-21-14 Sagami-Ono, Minami-ku, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa
Open map

4-minute walk from Sagami-Ono Station on the Odakyu Odawara Line


Contact via e-mail

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

    Name Required
    Telephone number Required
    Email address Required
    Confirm email address Required
    Inquiry Content Required
    Preferred conditions
    School / Campus Required
    Detailed message Required
    Where do you currently live? Required
    How did you hear about Nasic?
    Availability of Japanese support Required

    We can get back to you with information more quickly if it's in Japanese. Would you prefer communication in Japanese?

    Contact via telephone

    Contact for international student rental properties:NATIONAL STUDENTS INFORMATION CENTER CO., LTD.

    October - March: Open everyday / April - September: Closed Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays

    Phone (from within Japan)

    0120-066-749 Call from within Japan

    Phone (from outside Japan)

    81-3-4332-4952 Call from outside Japan

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    - バウスクロス相模大野 -

    Reference materials



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    4-minute walk from Sagami-Ono Station on the Odakyu Odawara Line

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    Reference materials



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    Reference materials



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